Health and safety work act 1974

·       Fire alarm- every so often, false alarms cost £1000, if there is a false alarm there is a false alarm you may have to still go outside just to make sure there is no actual fire. If there is a fire there are fire extinguishers within every area of the building.

·       First aider- nearest first aider is Tracy, all have to be reported. If there is any blood or broken bones it has to be put in an accident report book straight away.

·       Electrical safety-PAK tested appliances, no liquids near the computers. (No phone charging with Kevin), cable trunking to stop shocks and tangles.

·       Lighting-has to have adequate lighting within the room, if the tube breaks the contents contaminates everything also flickering lights that can cause seizures.

·       Heating-has to be controlled and kept between 17c-24c and has to be safe for all workers to attend.

·       Ventilation-has to be adequate for everyone to be able to breath. Circular ventilation on the roof to help people breath without opening the windows and has to be fresh air.

·       Working hours-the number of hours vary by age and contract and can be extended past your contract hours, inly supposed to do 4 hours without break, 45 minutes at a computer then 15 minutes as a break. It also depends on your age. 

computer misuse act 1990
  • unauthorised access to computer materials
  • unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences
  • unauthorised acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to impairing, operation of computer
  • unauthorised acts in causing or creating risks of serious damage
this makes the system safe for people to us like the NHS log out of there computers so the patient files are safe from anyone knowing.
screen display act 1192 & 2002
at least 5 minutes away any way
Regular testing must be carried out by collage .e.g.
  • if you make a video or music and someone wants to copyright it they have to contact the company or you personally.
  • lasts 75 years. if it is longer than 75 years then it isn't copyright.
  • the copyright fee goes to the personal maker of the film or music.
  • you have the right to make a character and if people make it without permeation then you are not aloud to make  it and can be sued or taken to court.
  •  if you break copyright then you can get a copyright strike.
  • copyright applies to music, movies, e.c.t.

This shows you who the copyright belongs to as you can see it has a small c at the side and then says 2019 Microsoft this tells you who it belongs to.

This is the company that owns amazon you can find this at the bottom of the amazon website.


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